Why is it that Muslims pray in the public streets?
Public prayer in New York City
Public prayer in Washington, D.C.
Public prayer in Moscow
Public prayer in Rome
Public prayer in Paris
Public prayer in London
Public prayer in Milan
It is a mistake to think that this is merely some public display of personal faith, some sort of peaceable assembly, some sort of peaceful protest. No. To think that way is to think in Western categories. It is to interpret what is being done as if the Muslims are thinking within the context of Western culture. They are not.
Muslim prayer in public streets is an exercise of power. It is a claim that the streets are theirs. It is a claim that the earth was made for Muhammad and for his followers, and not for you. The prayer is an act of incipient violence. It is a threat to all that your way of life and all you believe. It is an act of political revolt, of the coming revolution. It is an insult to you, kaffir and mushrikun, you Western infidels, though you may not know it. They are calling you a pig and and ape, and you sit there tolerantly smiling.
The muslims do not see themselves as "squatters." It is you that have been squatting on their land. And they are putting you on notice that they are reclaiming it.
One need only turn to Sahih al-Bukhari (1.335) wherein Muhammad says that one of the things that Allah gave him was ownership of the world:

Public prayer in New York City

Public prayer in Washington, D.C.

Public prayer in Moscow

Public prayer in Rome

Public prayer in Paris

Public prayer in London

Public prayer in Milan
It is a mistake to think that this is merely some public display of personal faith, some sort of peaceable assembly, some sort of peaceful protest. No. To think that way is to think in Western categories. It is to interpret what is being done as if the Muslims are thinking within the context of Western culture. They are not.
Muslim prayer in public streets is an exercise of power. It is a claim that the streets are theirs. It is a claim that the earth was made for Muhammad and for his followers, and not for you. The prayer is an act of incipient violence. It is a threat to all that your way of life and all you believe. It is an act of political revolt, of the coming revolution. It is an insult to you, kaffir and mushrikun, you Western infidels, though you may not know it. They are calling you a pig and and ape, and you sit there tolerantly smiling.
The muslims do not see themselves as "squatters." It is you that have been squatting on their land. And they are putting you on notice that they are reclaiming it.
One need only turn to Sahih al-Bukhari (1.335) wherein Muhammad says that one of the things that Allah gave him was ownership of the world:
The Prophet said, "I have been given five (things) which were not given to anyone else before me. . . .You are a fool if you understand what the Muslims are doing through your frame of reference. By allowing such public displays of prayer you are conceding to the Muslim his ownership of the world. You are, in fact, consenting to, assenting to, accepting the position of dhimmitude. You are cowering before someone to whom you ought not to cower: the false prophet and madman Muhammad and his plethora of deceived followers.
2. The earth has been made for me (and for my followers) a place for offering Salat (prayer) and a thing to purify (perform Tayammum), therefore anyone of my followers can offer Salat wherever he is, at the time of a Salat.
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